monte carlo online casino Cars stacked on top of each other after mass pile-up along ECP

SINGAPORE: An accident involving around nine vehicles occurred on the East Coast Parkway (ECP) on Thursday (Oct 3) afternoonmonte carlo online casino, resulting in a pile-up that affected two lanes. In response to CNA's query, the Singapore Civil De...

SINGAPORE: An accident involving around nine vehicles occurred on the East Coast Parkway (ECP) on Thursday (Oct 3) afternoonmonte carlo online casino, resulting in a pile-up that affected two lanes.

In response to CNA's query, the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it was alerted at about 5.20pm to a road traffic accident along ECP towards Changi Airport after the Fort Road exit.

SCDF said on Thursday evening that four people were taken to Raffles Hospital. It clarified on Friday morning that three people had been taken to the hospital.

According to a traffic update by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) at 6.33pm, the accident happened before the ECP's Tanjong Katong Road exit, causing congestion until the Fort Road exit.

Motorists are advised to avoid lanes one and two of the expressway, it added.

A video and pictures of the accident circulating on social media showed nine vehicles, comprising taxis and cars, involved in the pile-up, with two vehicles stacked on top of others.

In response to CNA's queries, ComfortDelGro confirmed that its taxi was involved in the accident. 

A spokesperson said: "The welfare of our cabbies are our top prioritymonte carlo online casino, we are in contact and are providing support as needed."

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